Sunday, September 7, 2008

Last Child in the Woods

Shiloh and I rode bikes to the park today and after a short time sliding on the plastic slides, we decided to head over to the creek to check it out. She loved it and was mad when I made her leave after she had basically ran into the creek laughing as she fell down drenching herself.

I've been thinking a lot about Richard Louv's book, Last Child in the Woods and ways to make sure that plenty of time is spent out in natural areas. If you aren't familiar with the book and "Nature deficit disorder", you can check out a couple of good articles here:

I'm beginning work on a public sculpture that ties together many of the areas discussed in this book. Stay tuned for more about this.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Adorable Pics of Shiloh! You're a good dad Shiloh is very lucky